Client side
The board is an image (more on that later), the user writes the move he thinks is best using algebraic chess notation, if he can’t find it he can ask for a hint (the piece to move) or give up and see the solution
Users can also add puzzles to favourites and play them again later
Server side
A MySQL database stores users, attempts and favourite puzzles (via JSON serialization) and is automatically created and populated by the Java Persistence Api with the values present in the JSON files inside the resources/init
The endpoints of’s puzzle api used by the spring application are:
There is a shared (kind of) java package between the client and the server called shared
for the json serialization and de-serialization of HTTP requests
The endpoints exposed by the spring application (and used by the client) are:
GET /puzzles/random
GET /puzzles/draw?fen=...&board=...&pieces=...
POST /users/login
POST /users/register
GET /users/{userId}/favourites/all
POST /users/{userId}/favourites/{favouriteId}/delete
POST /users/{userId}/favourites/{favouriteId}/mark-as-solved
POST /users/{userId}/favourites/{favouriteId}/mark-as-to-solve
GET /users/{userId}/attemps/afer?timestamp=...
POST /users/{userId}/attemps/add